Click the button for the videos from the
2020-21 Virtual Booster Club Kick-Off Party
See how much fun a virtual Booster Club meeting can be!
Hear from teachers and students about the great work the Booster Club does for Pali.
Enjoy a welcome from our Principal/Executive Director, Dr. Pam Magee.
Experience a breathtaking AcaPali (Pali’s amazing a cappella group) performance.
Relax and enjoy a festive shared experience with our Pali High community.
Cheer our long-time Booster Club President, Dick Held, to go down the water slide!
And best of all, feel good about supporting your child and our school, even in a virtual world.
Every Pali High parent is automatically a member of the Booster Club and is welcome to attend all of our meetings and events (online and hopefully, back in the school library soon).
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